
<aside> 📄 Adds all Google Docs content (text only) in chat history (all thread messages or up to 20 minutes old messages according to plan) as context for QnA


With the /docs command, Hana will consider one or multiple Google Docs which are available in the chat history context. You only need to paste the link and Hana will automatically fetch the doc content on your behalf.

How to use

  1. Initiate the Command: In your Google Chat, type /docs followed by the context or query related to the Google Docs you want to access or analyze. This command allows Hana to access the content of Google Docs that you have permissions for, using your authentication.
  2. Specify Your Query: Clearly state what information or action you need concerning the Google Docs. You can ask Hana to summarize the document, find specific information, or compare contents between multiple documents.


/docs Summarize the key points from the project proposal document.
  1. Receive Results: Hana will process your request and provide you with the relevant information from the Google Docs, such as summaries, specific data points, or any other requested analysis.



/docs command triggered by @Nav Archer

Question: am i missing anything in this doc?

@Nav Archer, I reviewed the document, and here are a few suggestions to ensure it covers all necessary aspects:

1. Introduction Section: 
   - Provide a brief overview of the business development plan and its importance.
   - Mention the target audience for the document.

2. Detailed Goals:
   - Break down the goals into more specific, measurable objectives (SMART goals).
   - Include short-term and long-term goals.

3. Action Plan:
   - Outline a step-by-step action plan for both Hana BD and Software Services BD.
   - Assign responsibilities and deadlines for each task.

4. Performance Metrics:
   - Define clear metrics to measure the success of the business development efforts.
   - Include KPIs related to user growth, engagement, conversion rates, and revenue.

5. Market Analysis:
   - Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) for both Hana BD and Software Services BD.
   - Include competitive analysis and market trends.

6. Risk Management:
   - Identify potential risks and challenges.
   - Propose mitigation strategies for each risk.

7. Budget and Resources:
   - Provide a detailed budget for the business development activities.
   - List the resources (human, technological, financial) required.

8. Feedback and Adjustment:
   - Establish a process for collecting feedback and making necessary adjustments to the plan.
   - Include a timeline for regular review meetings.

9. Appendices:
   - Add any additional information, such as detailed market research, user personas, or technical documentation.

Would you like me to assist with any specific section or provide more detailed content for any of the points mentioned above?